We sit amazed by those who rant and rave over things that are important to them, without ever considering that at times we might just be doing the same.
When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be? Here’s what she said to me: Que sera, sera…whatever will be, will be…the future is not ours to see…Que sera, sera.
Daily rituals come in all shapes and forms. But can a mundane task, such as taking the stairs, can become a sacred ritual with the right mindset?
This holiday season, give yourself the gift of giving. Reflect on this idea and let it color your actions.
We need to all practice enjoying the 'now' as it is fleeting. We need to pull our heads back from the future and the anticipation that comes with it and enjoy the moment while you are in it not when it becomes a distant memory of the past.
I like to say that most people don’t care so much about data, they would rather hear a story. A story sparks their interest, warms their heart and keeps them engaged.
Why are we so adverse to the unintentional mistake? Why do we put off mistakes and resist making them sooner?