How do you choose to live your life? Debit or Credit? Are you pleased with the yield and do you feel safe with the investments that you have made in yourself? Or, do you have to tweak a little?
Some might think that Valentine’s Day is just an excuse for the over-commercialization of chocolate, roses and jewelry (BTW you might not be too wrong). But what if we turn Valentine’s Day into something really special, what if we all decide to become Cupids?
When was the last time you sat down, pen to paper, and wrote a thank you note? Not a thank you note for a gift, but for something intangible - a note that expresses gratitude for the way in which someone has enhanced your life for the better?
Have you ever felt as though you have absolutely no control over a situation? When you’re put in this unavoidable quandary, how do you react? Should you fight it or let it flow?
Faith is a powerful force, it might just be the most powerful force we know because it does one thing: it encourages choice and choice instigates change.
What opportunities might be hiding right under your nose that you haven't yet noticed? Be present and find out!
Try shattering your POV one day, it feels like you are falling off a cliff…then, all of a sudden you realize you are still in one piece.
Nobody wants to be talked about behind their back, but we mustn’t forget that we are the ones that control the narrative.