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Chuck's Journey

This August, the BuDhaGirl Team decided to talk about "the journey," to complement the Caravan Collection. This week, you'll be hearing from us about where we want to go and how we want to get there. Today Chuck, our General Manager, tells us what journey means to him.

Life deals us many journeys throughout our earthly experience. Whether it be a physical or mental, positive or negative journey, what I know for sure is that it is there to grow and expand us.

When given the task to write about my journey, my thoughts went straight to travel but then it quickly shifted. It occurred to me that we all take journeys every day. Some big. Some little. But every day we “suit-up” to experience what life has to offer. We awaken each day with the ability to face whatever may come our way however we choose. I have learned that by choosing to first seek the good in the day, the good appears quicker. Each day holds a new beginning for us in the realm of unlimited possibilities…unlimited! The only limits are those we set. It is our right as spiritual beings to have all and anything we desire. When that is fully understood, life forever changes.

My life’s journey has led me to many different homes, relationships, and locales around the world. What it has taught me is that we are truly all One. I believe we all have had those moments of looking into another person’s eyes and seeing ourselves in some way. There is always something there that speaks to us internally…love, fear, intrigue, familiarity, etc. It is a knowing that can’t be explained but grounds us in the moment.

I do believe that even though our journeys can seem chaotic and unscripted, they are in fact well-orchestrated. Each move intended to guide us to further expansion and achieving our life’s purpose. My being a part of BuDhaGirl is no coincidence. It is a full realization of what I purposefully intended to have happen in my life. It is the law of attraction at its finest. For me, it is the perfect combination of industry and service to others. What we will achieve at BuDhaGirl will positively affect the lives of all that it encounters and those they encounter.

We all have the opportunity on this journey to be a light to others, to offer a hand up and help each other see all the good that abounds in this life. It is up to each of us to set our intention for the day and as our founder, Jessica, so brilliantly coined… Go. Be it!  So the question of the day is…What will you do with your day today?  Go. Be it!