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The Art of Work

One of the greatest joys in life is finding the line of work that makes you give.

Notice that I did not use the word happy, for I believe that happy is a direct result of giving.

Everyday that you begin your daily journey knowing that you will be doing what you love is a day well lived. The expansion and growth of who you are as a person, sharing your particular talent with others, being part of something bigger than yourself, feeling a sense of accomplishment... all are vital to the art of work.

Finding your passion in work is not always a direct line. I always found it extraordinary that some people even as children knew exactly what line of work they wanted to pursue, there was no question in their mind. However I find more often than not that this is not the case. It takes a couple of tries to find out what exactly we love to do.

What complicates matters most in the society we have created is that it seems that we cannot change our minds about what we want to do. It is only recently (in the last decades) that change is celebrated and even encouraged. Frankly, it is needed because the work environments have so dramatically changed. We are also living longer so we can be active at work much longer.

As a mother, I am always giving advice to my children (they can attest to this). In my opinion, the most valuable advice I have given them is: FIND WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO. You will spend so much of your life doing what it is you do that it is a crime to yourself and others to not work in what makes you thrive. In the best work environment, you will be giving the best of yourself.

At the end of the day, when you are still, and you reflect upon your day, and you find that you have given the best of yourself, then you have mastered the art of work.
