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The Images of Words

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” - Winston Churchill

I have always loved this quote because it has inspired me to be a better listener, a listener who is respectful, and truly present. It has also inspired me to overcome my anguish in situations where I needed to speak up and take the lead. In today’s world, our freedom of expression has obtained a whole new meaning, we can say pretty much anything we want…until…we can’t. Censorship has become “au courant.” We have become polarized in our views, so much so that: “none the two shall meet.”

I believe that speech, the power of our words, is a way of revealing to those listening to us the images which are in us, our thoughts, our minds, our hearts. When I listen to speech driven to divide under the auspices of trying to bring us together, I wonder what the agenda is truly about…There are simple truths that we must all live by. Respect for another’s point of view is the mark of a disciplined mind, a kind heart, and a loving spirit.