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Reading The Signs

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Are you one who can sit back and analyze a situation by reading the signs? Sometimes these signs are not tangibly or physically observed or manifested, but you (the inner you) can see past what is observable. And they are real.

Call it instinct. Call it intuition. Call it your third eye. Call it what you will, but you just know what’s going to happen. You are tuned-in, you have used your senses acutely.

Many times, we ignore these signs because we want to be pragmatic, scientific, we want proof and data.  This willful avoidance of what is plainly evident to “us”, even though we can’t immediately prove it, causes us great angst. It messes with our psyche, and oftentimes, to our detriment, we regret not following our gut feeling. 

We are also embarrassed by other’s who are more “sensible” than us and make us believe that we are just imagining things when we share our information or theory about things…for they make us believe that they are truly in the “know” and that we are a banana shy of a bunch. Yeah, right.

When either my team, a friend, or my family are in a quandary because they are bothered by the signs…

 I reply by saying: “If it looks like a skunk, smells like a skunk, and acts like a skunk…guess what? It is a skunk. 

Read the signs. 

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Reading The Signs - BuDhaBlog 2021 Jessica Jesse