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Random Acts Of Kindness

Seldom does one ever feel so good as when someone does something for us for no reason whatsoever. A simple unexpected acknowledgment that we matter. That we are seen.

As we remember those moments in our life, the moments that made us feel special, so should we become stewards of performing random acts of kindness towards others. Not only is it to acknowledge the value of another being, but the karma that these acts bring upon us isn’t bad either. Not that you should think of karma as your motivation, karma is a by-product.

We are constantly challenging ourselves to be better, take those ten thousand steps, finish the overly-important project, be the greatest partner, a flawless mother, an unreproachable child, etc., etc., etc. Those challenges are all personal struggles.

Let’s take the random act of kindness challenge. Can we every day from now on, do something for someone that makes them feel seen? Cherished? Little things completely in our control that for the most part will hardly take any effort other than opening our hearts to the other being. Once we open our hearts, we can then proceed to use our mind and make that kindness visible, to make the kindness tangible.

Random acts of kindness are kindled by awareness. Open your heart, open your mind, use your eyes to observe, then use your arsenal of gifts to generate that gift for someone that says you care.

Here is your Kindness Arsenal 101:


Saying Hello


Opening a door

Not taking the nearest parking space

Asking if you can be of service

Pay attention

***Notice none of the above things mentioned in the arsenal cost anything other than your presence.***