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Routine vs Ritual

I swore I had written about the difference of routines vs rituals years ago, yet for some reason I simply could not find that particular blog or document on my computer, thus forcing me to re-examine the differences and write about them again.

I will first be pragmatic and give you the exact definition of a routine: A sequence of actions regularly followed; performed as a regular procedure rather than for a special reason.

The definition of ritual is: The established form for a ceremony.

So why is there even confusion amongst the two? I took it one step further in my pragmatism and looked for synonyms of ritual, and according to Meriam Webster dictionary, they are: custom, fashion, habit, habitude, manners, mores, pattern, protocol, second nature, standards, tradition…but nowhere did it mention routine. So, clearly routine and rituals are two very different things.

The BuDhaGirl position/opinion if not the downright definition of a routine is something that is done nearly automatically, executed out of habit, and not with much joy or presence as its foundation. A ritual, on the other hand, is a mini-celebration, an action or series of actions that are founded with complete intention, and are executed with deliberation and presence resulting in joy.

Deciding to bring ritual into one’s life is the first step in building the foundation for creating joy. When we bring ritual into our life it means that we believe that we deserve the time, the caring, and the loving-kindness found in rituals. We deserve the moments devoted to ritual fully, without reservation.

The benefits of rituals are innumerable. Not only are we acknowledging that we are important and that by taking the time for ourselves we, in turn, can give more. When our heart, mind, and body are well, we can share that wellness with others. The ritual doesn’t stop with us, it transcends who we are and touches others by the way we interact with them and our world.

Join us in our BuDhaGirl journey towards a more fulfilling experience of daily life. Bring ritual into your life.