Nature's bounty. Happy Thanksgiving.
We are 21 months old and for that we are Thankful.
The BuDhaGirl journey we have set-on is nothing short of amazing. Everyday is inspiring, new and full of challenges. It is hard work.
The most fulfilling part for which we are most Thankful is that everyday our message of Mindful Glamour is becoming stronger.
We are no longer the little flicker of light all alone in a world skeptical of why beauty, fashion and mindfulness can coexist. We are gaining momentum every time we explain to people the value of turning routines into rituals. The little light is now becoming a flame. For that we are very Thankful.
Mindfulness is a word much in vogue. It was not when we started BuDhaGirl. I remember sitting with editors in NY trying to explain to them the value of mindfulness paired with our daily (routines.) They thought I was loopy. Not anymore. For that we are very Thankful.
We are Thankful for the people that have helped us grow. Thankful for the people who believed in us; the people who began nodding in understanding when we explained the value of living life fully, artfully, with awareness, compassion and gratitude. These qualities can be paired with beauty and glamour without eroding their value. Beauty and glamour do not need to be vain.
BuDhaGirl has provided a movement towards enlightenment, both internally and externally. For that we are very Thankful.
BuDhaGirl is part fashion, part science and part spiritual practice. Aren’t we all?
“The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Nicola Tesla (1856-1943)
Happy Thanksgiving to all.