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Though many celebrations have been canceled or postponed due to the current circumstances, Easter does not have to be one of them.

Here are 7 easy ways to still make Easter special this year while staying at home:

  1. MOVE EASTER BRUNCH ONLINE: Although restaurants can’t offer their usual sit down service, online platforms, such as Facetime and Zoom, are always taking reservations.

  2. TUNE INTO VIRTUAL EASTER SERVICE: Many churches across the country are moving their services online so families can watch from home. Check your church’s website or Facebook page to find an online service for you!

  3. SEND EASTER CARDS: Most people will be spending Easter this year without their extended family and without their elderly family members. Write to those who won’t be with you and wish them a Happy Easter!

  4. SET THE TABLE: Yes…that means turning your current workspace back into the dining room and pulling out the fancy plates. Oh, and don’t forget to iron the tablecloth…

  5. WEAR YOUR EASTER ATTIRE: Change up your current stay-at-home wardrobe and don’t let that cute Easter dress go to waste!

  6. COOK AS A FAMILY: Get the family together in the kitchen and try out new recipes or practice your cooking skills…maybe even have a family cooking competition!

  7. START A NEW TRADITION: So far, 2020 has been a year full of change…why not embrace the change and start a new family tradition for the years to follow.

    Wishing everyone a very happy, and healthy, Easter,

The BuDhaGirl Team