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How to BE

I guess when we are born, we become. We just are.

But what happens after that? Childhood is the time of miracles and living in the moment. As children we are in awe of everything about us, we are curious, and time is a fairly irrelevant concept.

Then something happens. We begin to be seriously molded by society at about 2-4 years of age. Developmentally we are malleable and begin to conform to norms, rules, musts, and don’ts. I am one who doesn’t think that this is necessarily bad, I think children need guidelines and parameters; however, I believe children don’t need hang-ups, religious taboos, and societal discrimination.

In our teen years, we want to belong. Oh, how we want to belong.

As we reach adulthood we are driven by our hopes, dreams, and aspirations…all the things that we need to make us, who we are, or who we think we should be. We are consumed with plans. That is, until the pendulum swings back and old age begins.

Maybe it is our life experience that takes us back to how we began…taking us back to the wisdom of living in the moment. Being present. Savoring the now. Realizing that everything passes and that we are impermanent.