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One More Year To Give

Let’s step back for a bit and reflect on this past year. What were your highs? What were your lows? I wager that your highs had to do with giving. You gave of yourself and that filled you with joy.

Giving has a volumetric effect. The more you give, the better it makes you feel. This is particularly true when you give unselfishly, expecting nothing in return. Arriving at this unselfish point is not easy, for many of us think: Well, because I am giving, therefore I should receive. This way of thinking will bring you disappointment and heartache.

Just give. The most valuable thing you can give is your time. Time is so precious, and it is the only time we have as individuals. Once you have used time, you can’t get it back. So, with this thought in mind, why not spend your time on something that not only will be good for others but will bring you satisfaction and allow you to say at the end of the day: I made someone happy.

Look to this new year as an opportunity to honor your giving and gifting skills. Set daily intentions that are about giving. Asking that you will be enlightened enough to see people in need, people that need your inspiration, and people who need your kindness. Maybe a simple acknowledgment from you will be the gift, at other times you might feel magnanimous and go all-out on a gift…regardless, keep in mind that by you giving, it will be you who receives at the end.