Flower Power

Clusters of petite flowers to form a giant burst of "garlicky" color

Clusters of petite flowers to form a giant burst of "garlicky" color

Give me the simplest of interiors and some flowers, and I am home.

Before I became thoroughly interested in contemplative practices and even as a child when being taught my catechism, I knew there was a God. I did not need books, people, sages or prophets...all I needed was to observe a flower.

The miracle of intense beauty. Shape, color, symmetry, fragrance, taste.   I was, and am deeply moved at the incredible cycle of birth and death of a flower, the grace it shows us in how its cycle enfolds. From the tight bud that jealously guards the explosion of color soon to be revealed to the withering full bloom loosing color and dropping each petal. All beautiful, all a mystery.


Flowers are primordial to BuDhaGirl. They are in our product designs, in our offices, they inspire us, and teach us to slow down and observe. As part of my daily ritual, I go amongst my flowers and Pause. I become aware of the beauty and dignity in the bloom. I then Go...and very much try to Be it.




The crazy almost neon vibrancy...

The crazy almost neon vibrancy...

The fabulous earring-shaped bloom

The fabulous earring-shaped bloom

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