Every four years...
Why add a leap day?
Leap Days are added so our calendar maintains alignment with the sun.
However as in all special days, February 29 has many meanings:
It's acceptable for a woman to propose to a man on Feb. 29. The custom has been attributed to St. Bridget, who is said to have complained to St. Patrick about women having to wait for men to propose marriage. Patrick supposedly gave women one day to propose.
A funny ditty to sing to your sweetie...
During leap years, George Armstrong Custer fought the Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876), the Titanic sank (1912), Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is electricity (1752) and and gold was discovered in California (1848).
The Titanic on course to meet its destiny...
People who are born on a leap year are called "leaplings."
Here are two of my favorite leaplings:
Lord Byron
Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
BuDhaGirl is always curious about special days, myths, celebrations of all the wonderful cultures around the world. What are you doing that's special today? How about a Leap Year time capsule...that might be great fun for family & friends.