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All American Love Advice from Dear Abby

With Valentine's Day less than 24 hours away, we thought it would be a great time to examine some classic love advice by American jewel, Dear Abby. Covering topics including marriage, dating and Valentine's Day, these are some of our favorite words of wisdom to keep in mind on the day of love. 

Dear Abby: I know boys will be boys, but my 'boy' is 73 and he's still chasing women. Any suggestions? – Annie

Dear Annie: Don't worry. My dog has been chasing cars for years, but if he ever caught one, he wouldn't know what to do with it.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend is going to be 20 years old next month. I'd like to give him something nice for his birthday. What do you think he'd like? —Carol
Dear Carol: Nevermind what he'd like, give him a tie.

Dear Abby: I've been going with this girl for a year. How can I get her to say yes? —Don
Dear Don: What's the question?

Dear Abby: Is it possible for a man to be in love with two women at the same time? —Jake
Dear Jake: Yes, and also hazardous.

Dear Abby: What would you do with a man who refuses to use a deodorant, seldom bathes, and doesn’t even own a toothbrush? — Stinky’s Wife
Dear Wife: Absolutely nothing!

DEAR ABBY: My wife sleeps in the raw. Then she showers, brushers her teeth and fixes breakfast -- still in the buff. We're newlyweds and there are just the two of us, so I suppose there's really nothing wrong with it. What do you think? -ED

DEAR ED: It's O.K. with me. But tell her to put on an apron when she's frying bacon. (Unknown date)

DEAR ABBY: I have never received a romantic Valentine, and that's OK with me. With all the sappy movies on TV and the stores blooming in pink and red, we often forget that St. Valentine wasn't the one in love. (He was a Roman priest who married Christian couples and was killed for his trouble.)

My advice to others, particularly singles, is to take a page out of St. Valentine's book and focus not on yourself, but on others. Every year on Feb. 14 I give everyone I encounter a kiddie Valentine, and every year at least one person is delighted. I have been doing this for the last 20 years and my St. Valentine's Days have been happy because of it. It's amazing the difference that focusing on giving rather than receiving can make. (And it works any day of the year.) -- KID AT HEART

DEAR KID: I couldn't agree more with your positive philosophy. Reading your letter lifted my spirits, and I hope it will bring a smile to my readers as it did for me. Thank you for sharing.

Shop jewelry for Valentine's Day: www.budhagirl.com
