Recognized French economist, Thierry Mailleret, in his monthly barometer series, has the following to say regarding the US’s world standing on happiness…
“The latest edition of the World Happiness Report exposes the reason why. As always, Scandinavian countries are at the top while this year the US occupies the 18th position – a four-spot drop compared to the 2017 ranking. The fact that the US can lose four spots while having a GDP growth higher than the Scandinavian average proves the existence of a disconnect between GDP growth and wellbeing – one doesn’t determine the other (maybe a trite statement but worldwide too many are placing too much onus on GDP growth and / or income as a driver of wellbeing).”
At BUDHAGIRL we believe in GBH… Gross BUDHAGIRL Happiness. No matter how many sales goals we meet, no matter how high our social media numbers grow, and no matter how much we are loved by our clients, it is still up to each individual in the company to be part of and create joy in our workplace.
I insist that we enjoy our work and often say to my team, (although maybe a bit harsh) that if they are not happy here the door “out” is just across the office. Life is too short to be mired in little problems because that is exactly what we deal with at BUDHAGIRL… little problems. We are fortunate enough to work in a well-appointed environment full of light, with beautiful products, creating wellbeing for our clients. How great is that?
Not every day is perfect, I acknowledge this. However, it is living in the moment, enjoying our daily journey and being part of something greater than ourselves that I believe gives us net GBH. It is our intention and commitment to grow BUDHAGIRL each and every day, and we love each and every one of you who helps us because each day we are committed to our happiness and yours.