This Too Shall Pass

“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.” Dalai Lama

He certainly gives the rest of us something to aspire to. Granted, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama doesn't have to worry about bickering in-­laws or college tuition for the kids, ­­just the spiritual (and political) well­-being of tens of thousands! It's pragmatic advice, if you think about it. If you allow yourself to be subsumed by darkness, how will you manage your way through it? If you're blinded by the brightest times (or worse, take them for granted), you won't appreciate their worth or their long-­term lessons.

Don’t ask why it happens to you... it just simply does. Analyze a moment - then move on. My mantra is: This too shall pass. Good and bad. Joy and sorrow, with and without. It all changes minute by minute, we are never, ever the same. To know that this too shall pass is to accept and live in the present moment.

