April Fools

If I told you that you had to stay at home for the entire month of April as per The President’s orders…(any other year) you would think that I would be pulling an April Fool’s Day prank on you. Think again.

This is our reality: one month of staying home. That is of course if you happen not to be in the health care field, or essential services fields. These amazing people are working each and every day to keep us safe, nourished, and comfortable. We owe it to them to not only be grateful for their work but show them we are grateful for their work. How we choose to do this will make a difference in their lives, the way they are making a difference in ours.


What are you going to do this month of April? How is this month of April going to impact how you lead your life? What will you learn? What is the something that you are doing without? Can you sit quietly for once? Can you do that one project at home that has been put-off simply because other important things came first? How are you making sense of this situation? Can you teach yourself a new skill? Can you begin a journal? Can you reach out to that friend that has been on your mind? Can you create something of beauty? Can you create something of service? Can you simply be?

If in this month we can answer some of these questions maybe it wasn’t an April Fools after all.