How I Feel Today

I thought that this blog would be very appropriate considering all the changes that we have experienced so far in 2020. A kind of check-in to see how we are doing…really how “I” or “you” are doing.

For me this year (so far) has taught me acceptance. I mean really, a global pandemic? The economic shut-down? Racial tensions? Back to school? Hoarding toilet paper? Anarchy? Sand-storms? Intolerance?…the only thing left are the locusts. I am worried.

I feel that all I can do is be the best person I can be. I feel that by doing this, hopefully, I am making the right decisions for myself, my family, my team, my community, my country. I need to start with me. How I think and feel. What I choose to read, listen to, or watch. Where can I make a difference? And in doing all these things, remaining true to myself and very conscientiously trying not to be anxiety-ridden 24/7.

Thinking about tomorrow is more irrelevant for me now than ever before. Today is about living, enjoying e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g in the now. Being present. Because ladies and gentlemen, BuDhaGirls out there…I have no idea what can happen tomorrow.