Introduction to our May Theme: Impacting Friends and Family

In April we discovered how things impact the individual…the “me.” This month we will journey into how we impact those that are close to us, our family and friends.

Throughout my life I have been told that the house feels different when I am not around. If I am not feeling well the house has a lack of energy…somehow muted, everything becomes more quiet. Or even worse, when I am in a bad mood, everyone and everything stay clear or if they are new to my bad moods…offer to help (mistake)…I like my misery in privacy.

What I am trying to illustrate is that our behavior, our ups and downs, and especially our language influences everything around us. A kind word from us in the morning can send our loved ones off with a smile, a hug even better…never mind a kiss, their day becomes a little lighter just because we took a moment to be present, to acknowledge them, and to send them off into the world with love.

Making time for those you love and treasure is a gift to yourself. Just think about the feeling you develop when you know you have done something from a place of love…cooking a meal, picking-up a little mess, enjoying a simple story of what happened in their day, all this makes up a life. Simple, everyday acts.

Take a moment now to think about what you can do today by simply being mindful and grateful for those around you, and what can you do through loving kindness that will make their day great? We like to say at BuDhaGirl: Go. Be it…make it happen.