A Beautiful Attitude


Photo by Norman Parkinson in India

"It is not the events that affect us, but the attitude that we assume toward those events."  Epictetus

This is an ancient Greek version of The Affirmation Prayer.  Dear powers of the universe, please grant me the grace to accept what's out of reach, the chutzpah to change what I can get my hands on, and the savvy to know the difference ....  Plenty of stuff out there that neither you nor I have the wherewithal to alter, which is probably all for the best. Imagine if everyone got a turn manipulating the world to their own devices. Yikes!

I am always impressed by people who know how to make the best of it, and I want to learn from them. I want to understand how to be more patient, yet not necessarily less demanding. So after many years of trying to be mindful about my attitude towards things, I realize that it is all about how I decide to enter, be, and leave the situation…so here’s a quick ritual.

First order of business: Take a deep breath. This is a truly egalitarian prescription, one size fits all. Breathe. Again. Perhaps things aren't as bad as they appear to be. And if they are, having your wits about you and a steady heart will assist as a guide.

Attitude is everything…it is what we become… because of it.
