The Spiritual Dimension of Life

“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.” Eckhart Tolle

In a fast-paced world full of distractions and noise, how do you remind yourself to live in the present? Do you set intentions? Do you practice yoga? Do you pause and breathe? And, if you are able to find these moments of presence, are you grateful for them?

Eckhart Tolle so astutely states that “It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.” For many, this “gratitude for the present moment” translates to a prayer or meditation. No matter the purpose of your prayer or meditation, when you are able to take time to remove yourself from daily stresses, to be still, to be quiet, to be present and to be grateful – you are able to reach a new dimension. In these moments, you are granted access behind a spiritual veil of sorts.

So what is it about the power of gratitude that allows us to see into this spiritual dimension? And does it require a specific prayer or a meditation to get there? I’d argue that each and every day is a moving meditation in and of itself. If you can be present and grateful during this moving meditation (forgoing all expectations, anxieties, and multitasking), you might be surprised at the way in which things that are meant to be simply fall into your lap.

When you are able to let go of how you think things should be and just let them be, you’re not only living in the present, but you’re expressing gratitude for and trust in the process of life. Do this, and you will not only see behind the spiritual veil, but you will be given otherworldly gifts in exchange for your humble gratitude.