T.G.I.O (Thank God It's Over)

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In 2021 we will bring BuDhaBlog to life!Jessica has picked your favorite blogs and whimsically filmed them so you can now visually follow them along. Read or hear...or both, that's up to you. This first blog is a montage, in subsequent blogs you will meet a new friend that will accompany Jessica throughout 2021.

Wishing you, your families, & colleagues a wonderful 2021, may it be filled with health, wealth and joy.

9...8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..Happy New Year!!!!! Quick…burn the sage, sprinkle the Holy water, cleanse your aura, cleanse your home…as in do it now.

We cannot have a repeat of 2020.

Now, ya’ll know that I always believe that we should learn and grow stronger from contrary circumstances…well 2020 made me a blooming Einstein and Arnold Schwarzenegger combined.

Jeeez…what didn’t happen??? I mean a global pandemic??? It is almost something out of a dystopian novel…add a touch of anarchy…racial tensions…a weird election…and that’s globally…

Personally, my husband had MAJOR back surgery, my mom’s best friend died (my mom is 94), this is no Bueno. My kid who goes to school in Canada had to quarantine twice…that’s two weeks times 2…try being by yourself at 17 for 4 weeks…Let’s see what else…oh, never mind. I am sure you all have your list of woes too.

And as I say…misery loves, loves, loves company.

However, much in the BuDhaGirl spirit, I have turned the page. I have let go of things I cannot control, I have been very proactive in the things that are in my ability to impact, and believe it or not, God gave me the wisdom to know the difference.

I let go of frustration, of anger, of resentment, of now what? And why me?
I embraced putting one foot in front of another each and every day. I tried to be of service. Then in the evening, alone with my thoughts, I became very grateful. So grateful in fact that I felt soothed, I felt that I had made a difference, I knew that I tried my very best…and I was so very grateful to have the opportunity.

Who knows what 21 will bring? The one thing I do know is that I, and I imagine you, are now better equipped to rise to the challenges this new year will have in store for us.

So keep calm and carry on…and embrace the BuDhaGirl spirit. Set your intentions, then go make them happen.

T.G.I.O (Thank God It's Over)
Jessica Jesse