7 inspiring books to dive into this summer.
Read MoreAs our lives become increasingly digitally-dependent, we must ask ourselves how this means of communication not only effects our language, but how it might even impact our relationships.
Read MoreThink of language as a snapshot that lasts forever, the proverbial bell that cannot be un-rung.
Read MoreInteraction occurs when the effect of our being impacts another. So simply being, just being affects others.
Read MoreThe BuDhaGirl Team reflects on the crucial ways in which their fathers have impacted their lives.
Read MoreThere is nothing “back” about giving, it is all about forward.
Read MoreOne of the biggest ways people make a impact on the world is through their wallet. From impulse buys to big investments, every time you spend your money, you're making a choice and causing a ripple effect that goes far beyond the purchasing of a single item.
Read MoreIt's simple: environmental change and your personal impact can begin at the grocery store.
Read MoreWhen you go out into nature, one always hopes to see a serene, impeccable landscape - but this, sadly, is not always what you'll find.
Read MoreThese are 10 small changes you can make today to reduce your ecological footprint on the earth with minimal effort.
Read MoreIt is said that nothing is random; no action is without a reaction. Even the flutter of a Monarch Butterfly’s wing causes something else to happen.
Read MoreDon't forget to pack these 5 little things to make a big impact on your next trip!
Read MoreHappy Memorial Day from BuDhaGirl! No matter how you're spending your long weekend, stack up in style with a patriotic arm party.
Read MoreMeet our new bundle of joy, Baby All Weather Bangles! Soundless, weightless and waterproof, these sweet little bangles share the same amazing qualities as mom's beloved, go-to stack.
Read More5 little luxuries on Jessica's radar this month!
Read More10 important things to keep in mind after you hang up the cap and gown.
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No matter where your graduate is graduating from, or what they will be pursuing next, All Weather Bangles are a thoughtful graduation gift.
Today, we're talking with a few members of the BuDhaGirl team about how they make their most powerful impact on friends and family on a daily basis.
Read MoreToday we honor all of the Mindfully Glamorous mamas out there who make the world go round with their kindness, selflessness and love.
Read MoreOne of our most cherished vendors is Colectivo 1050, artisans who turn "mud into beauty." This month, the group is debuting a beautiful exhibition in Mexico City.
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