The world is magical. Even today with science being able to prove so many things using sequencing, technology, and the scientific method, there are things we simply cannot explain. Maybe we will never be able to explain them because they have no explanation. They just are.

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Jessica JesseComment
I Love October

I love October, it is my favorite month…here’s why:

Fall is my favorite season, and I feel that in the glorious month of October it really kicks in. Sometimes in September it still just feels like Summer (remember, I lived in Dallas).

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Guest User Comment

The first lesson is not to take life for granted or your lifestyle for granted. The life paths of the past have different importance than they once did. Family, education, work-life balance, relationships, money, homeownership, transportation, and food are all being re-imagined.  It is hard to let go of what has given us great success, acknowledging that the system was not perfect, yet this system did create the most advanced human civilization to date.

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Jessica JesseComment

There are three key lessons I have learned from change: One, it’s going to be uncomfortable. Two, it’s going to be exciting.Three, you will be different.

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Jessica JesseComment