Can commitment to a ritual of creativity help you maintain the level in your well of inspiration?
Read MoreThere are opportunities we create, and opportunities that fall into our laps. The ones that we choose to take (or not take), not only define us, but shape our existence.
Read MoreEarlier this month at the Global Wellness Summit, BuDhaGirl presented “Fashion Defined by Nature,” the first-ever wellness fashion runway show.
Read MoreThen, one day, something occurs, everything changes, and suddenly we are strangers to ourselves.
Read MoreChic, worldly and unique are just a few of the wonderful qualities that describe Houston’s very own à bientôt boutque. Today, we’re talking with the founder about trends they’re seeing this season and why they can’t live without BuDhaGirl All Weather Bangles.
Read MoreFrom savory recipes to nostalgic scents, these are the rituals we anticipate most every fall.
Read More“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.” Dalai Lama
Read MoreAmbition, hard work, even our little friend the ego is not so bad, if we learn one thing: Live in the moment. Enjoy the now.
Read MoreThe difference between a ritual and a habit is about who is in control… the mind or the brain?
Read MoreIn a space with no rules and no expectations, the sky is the limit, and your creativity is perfectly unbound - just as it should be.
Read MoreAutumn is the time of year to release what no longer serves us - but how can we let go gracefully and confidently?
Read MoreThese are 9 achievable ways to maximize your mindfulness in the workplace.
Read MoreHenry Ford stated, and rightly so, that a number doesn't determine a person’s age, but a willingness and interest in learning does.
Read MoreEveryday that you begin your daily journey knowing that you will be doing what you love is a day well lived.
Read MoreFrom a powerful quote to a modern art oasis in the middle of the Texas desert, these were the most inspiring things the BuDhaGirl Team came across in the last few months!
Read MoreOne of the most enduring kinds of beauty is curiosity… in other words, wonder.
Read MoreNo matter how many sales goals we meet and no matter how high our social media numbers grow, it is still up to each individual in the company to be part of and create joy in our workplace.
Read MoreToday and every day, I work at maintaining the temple. I am understanding that a temple with a good foundation ages well. It will keep the spirit safe.
Read MoreExperience is a wonderful thing. Only through experience can you truly comprehend the notion of have to vs get to.
Read MoreEndings are challenging, change is hard, and that both are completely inevitable at some point in this lifetime. So, how are we to combat this anxiety?
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